Roe v Wade

The slowest moving train has arrived at the most predictable of stops. The one many warned abt with increasing urgency over the past decade. Roe v Wade is no more.

Two of the justices who stripped pregnant people of their bodily autonomy and basic healthcare rights have been credibly accused of sexual assault. 

The President who appointed three of them is credibly accused of sexual assault. 

But the “We believe women, just not that one” crowd came in heavy, shoulder to shoulder with the “but even if she IS telling the truth… Does it matter?” team.

It is really important to acknowledge the discourse that’s been building for decades.

The restriction of trans rights. 

The hysteria around saying gay.

The “DON’T believe ALL women.” Panic. 

The MenToo movement regaining momentum. 

The suggestive commentary, reminding us women are hysterical, dangerous liars. 

That we exaggerate, lie, manipulate. That we are violent. That we must be feared. 

Witches. Harlots. Burn them. Sentence them. 

Their bodies to be used but not respected. Their powers to be abused, but their minds never trusted. 

Memes de-sensitising us to violence against women, against lgbtqi+ youth, while re-centering cis (white) male privilege, restoring hierarchy. 

They told us EXPLICITLY this was coming. 

And they (easily) convinced (primarily white cit straight) women to actively fight in favour of their own oppression. 

We see you Amy Coney Barrett & co. 

That internalised misogyny you use to push for temporary power in a patriarchal world may be holding as long as it benefits them. But the moment the tide turns & you need a voice? 

They will feed you to the wolves without a second thought. 

They’ll watch you sink and still declare you a witch. 

But we will be here. We will fight for you. Yes, even you. All of you. 

Because no one is free until every last one of us is. 

That’s what we are fighting for. All of us, ever last one. 

Abortion is basic healthcare. 

Ironically, a key reason my daughters are here is because I knew I had a choice. That very knowledge brought them here. That may sound counterintuitive, but it’s true. 

Abortion is a lot of things. But mostly, it’s none of your business. And it’s basic medical care. 
This? This is anti-life, and pro forced birth. And it will kill.