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Sponsored by Coffee is built around the concept of bringing those wonderfully candid (and often surprisingly in-depth) coffee-break (Fikastund) conversations to life in an accessible space.

There is nothing quite like a nice cup of coffee and great conversation with a good girlfriend; whether I’m feeling lost or down or happy or excited, chatting away with a good friend as the caffeine hits has always been the right answer.

Over the years I’ve also found these conversations to be perhaps the most in-depth, informative, inspiring as well as vulnerable and open. So in a selfish bid to expand on the concept, I decided to ask a whole load of women to have coffee and simply chat about the things that inspired or interested them.

I hope you’ll find reading these interviews (ideally with a cuppa for yourself) as enjoyable as I’ve found recording them.

And if you have a story you’d like to share, or want to nominate a woman to be featured, please do get in touch!


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And who am I?

I’m a Swedish (with a hint of Finnish) Londoner (since 2010) whose day-job involves Producing TV content.

I am also the mama of two fierce, independent, smart and curious little girls, and a somewhat grumpy (but very loving) senior rescue tabby.

Since the arrival of our first daughter we decided to edge closer to the outskirts of London in favour of greenery and breathable air, and are thoroughly enjoying re-discovering country-Pubs and forest strolls, while retaining some access to unnecessarily complicated coffee-orders and pop-up eateries (I’m aware how this sounds).

I am also one of those ‘opinionated women’, and - being Swedish - will happily drink coffee before bed.
